
Closets With 10+ Listings Earn More!

Awesome tips!!! Just opened my own closet on Poshmark!!! 😊

Did you know that closets with more than 10 listings sell more than those with less? That’s right! One of the secrets to being a successful seller on Poshmark lies in your very own closet.

A full closet is a trustworthy closet. Show potential buyers that you’re serious about your Poshmarking! By regularly adding items to your closet, fellow Poshmarkers will trust not only your style, but they’ll also see you’re active and mean serious fashion business!


Variety is key. Think of your Poshmark closet as a your virtual boutique. The more variety and types of merchandise you have, the likelihood that a potential buyer finds something she wants to buy is much higher. Score!


Bundle this, bundle that. The more listings you have in your closet, the more likely it will be that you sell bundles! Bundles are individual listings that include multiple items from your closet and are…

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